Year 1 to Year 6

We offer 45 places in each year group for children wanting to join our school. 

Admission to St Paul's Primary School for Year 1 to Year 6 is managed by the Local Authority of Manchester and follows the current Manchester City Council Policy.

Children’s names are placed on our waiting list and places are allocated by the Local Authority in the following priority order:

  • Looked-after children or children in public are.
  • Children with exceptional medical or social needs.
  • Children who have a brother or sister (living at the same address) already attending the school.
  • Children who live nearest to the school.

Applying for a Year 1 to Year 6 place

To apply for a school place you need to contact the Local Authority of Manchester. You will be asked to complete an application form for your child and submit it to the Local Authority so that your child’s name can be placed on our waiting list.

You can download an application form for a school place by clicking on the link below.  Notes on how to complete the form are also listed below for your convenience.

MCC In Year Application Form 

MCC In Year Application Notes 

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