Year 1 - 2 2024 - 2025

Miss Draycott

Miss Draycott

Key Stage 1

Miss Stephens

Miss Stephens

Flexible Teacher

Miss Anderson

Miss Anderson

Key Stage 1

Mrs Talbot

Mrs Talbot

Key Stage 1

Mrs O'Sullivan
KS1 Teaching Assistant
Mrs Huck
KS1 Teaching Assistant
Mrs Gowen
KS1 Teaching Assisant
Miss Whelan
KS1 Teaching Assistant
Miss Gleave
KS1 Teaching Assistant
Shirley O Sullivan 2019.JPG Sheila Huck 2019.JPG Claire Gowen 2019.JPG Melissa Whelan 2019.JPG Amber Gleave 2022.JPG

Welcome to KS1 (year 1 & 2) 

Welcome to Year 1 / 2, we hope the information below assists you in your child's transition into Key Stage 1.  If you have any questions or queries, please do not hesitate to contact the school office and make an appointment to see your child's teacher.  We strive in Year one and two to develop confident, caring pupils that are able to tackle their learning with increasing independence.

PE for Year 1/2

Please can parents bring in a clean PE Kit at the start of each half term and take it home at the end of half term, please see below for what days your child does PE and what they need in their kit.
Children who have their ears pierced must be able to take their earrings out themselves (including studs), If your child is unable to remove them themselves, they will need to put tape over them - this will be provided by the class teacher and your child must put the tape on themselves. If this is an issue for your child can we please suggest your child doesn’t wear earrings on their PE days. 

PE Timetable

Miss Anderson Mondays & Wednesdays
Mrs Draycott Wednesdays & Thursdays
Miss Talbot & Miss Stephens Wednesdays, Thursdays & Fridays


PE Kit

Black/Dark shorts/leggings (or trackie bottoms if cold)
White top (not the one they currently wear for school)
Trainers/Pumps for outdoor games
Children with long hair to have it tied back
No watches or jewellery to be worn


Year 1 - 2: Blog items

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