Supporting Additional Needs

Here at St Paul's C.E Primary School all pupils receive quality first teaching.This means that a range of teaching and learning styles are used and appropriate learning objectives are set for all children with a curriculum to matched  their needs.


Classes are supported by teaching assistants and where needed pupils are offered additional small group work or catch up programmes.  These groups are sometimes called ‘booster’ groups.

If your child is identified as having additional needs we will invite you to school to dicuss your child's needs and how to we can address them.


What do we mean by 'additional needs'?

Your child may have difficulty with some of the following


  • Accessing reading, writing or mathematics at an age appropriate level.
  • Processing information 
  • Expressing themselves 
  • Understanding others 
  • Organisation and sequencing
  • Sensory perception
  • Physical mobility
  • Managing  behaviour
  • Making friends or relating to adults

Legal Requirements

The new SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disability) Code of Practice came into force on 1st September 2014.


All schools must have regard to what the Code of Practice says whenever decisions are taken relating to children with SEND.  Under the new system young people and their famillies are at the centre of discussions about the support they receive.  This means families are regulary invited to meetings to discuss the needs of their child and agree on the targets set for them.

Class teachers will assess your child to 
identify their strengths, needs and extra help they may require. If they need extra or different support this may involve:

  • Extra adult support in class
  • Small group or individual support out of class 
  • Alternative resources such as a sloping board, ICT access, visual prompts.

Occasionally a child may received additional specialist support from:

  • Speech and Language Therapist,
  • Teacher for visual impairment
  • Teacher for hearing impairment,
  • Specialist Teacher 
  • Health professional, 
  • Educational psychologist.
  • Special Educationa; Needs Coordinator

Co-ordinated Planning

When a child’s needs are complex or severe we will contact the Local  Authority for a statutory assessment.  This will lead to co-ordinated planning with the family and young person at the centre. 


Outcomes from this planning may be written in an Educational Health Care Plan (EHCP) which in time will replace statements of Special Needs.


Again this plan will be reviewed regularly to ensure outcomes fro the young person are being achieved.

Here at St Paul's we have a highly experienced team of  staff who may be involved in supporting your child. These include:

  • Your child’s teacher, who will always make sure that tasks set are appropriate and accessible for your child.
  • Teaching Assistants who work accross our school in a variety of roles which may include general class support together with targeted provision for identified pupils.
  • Our Family Worker, who works with parents/carers to offer advice on home and school matters.
  • Our School Nurse who can advise and assess any medical needs.
  • Our Speech and Language Therapist who is available to advise school on how to support children with communication and processing needs.
  • An Educational Psychologist or Specialist Teacher may be used to advise school on meeting children’s needs and deliver diagnostic assessments.
  • Physiotherapists will come to school to access and provide programmes to improve mobility for pupils identified as having physical needs.
  • The Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCO) manages the provision of pupils with additional needs withing school.


We work with a range of outreach services include Lancastrian School who advise us on supporting children with complex medical needs; Ashgate who offer emotional and behavioural support and The Grange who offer support with social communication needs.

School Governors  support and monitor the provision for pupils identified with additional needs.

If you have any concerns that your child has some additional needs please make an appointment to discuss this with their class teachers.  You are also very welcome to make an appointment with our SENCO.  Appointments can be made through the school office.

If you want advice from professionals outside school you may find the following numbers helpful:

Information Advice Service (formally Parent Partnership) Helpline: 0161 209 8356
School Admissions: 0161 245 7166
School Nurse Service: 0161 215 2012

Manchester City Council Local Offer:

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