One Voice Agenda - 08/03/22

Date: 8th Mar 2022 @ 12:11pm

Can we remember the 5 key things to do that keep our minds and bodies healthy?

(Connect /active /take notice/learning/giving and being kind)


What have you done this week to achieve some of these different ways to wellbeing?


Mental Health at St Pauls


This afternoon we have an open day in the hall for parents to come and see all the fabulous work that we have been doing recently on mental health. We have also invited our local MP Jeff Smith! In the near future, we would like to invite him in again to ask him some questions/ make suggestions linked to children’s mental health. Is there anything that you think would improve the children’s mental health at St Pauls and other local schools?




Tomorrow there will be no assembly in the hall but you will have some children from KS2 sharing some fun activities that you will find around the school to make sure you access your five ways to wellbeing.




  • Well done everyone for your fantastic ideas for your class wellbeing focus. Some children from each class will share these with the younger children in the school tomorrow so everyone can take part in the activities!


  • Please could the children who are taking part in the open day this afternoon come down to the hall at 2.15?


  • Play time buddies are coming back! Can you remember what their role is? Miss Gallienne is sorting out a rota this week and will let you all know how you will recognise them in the playground. Their job is to make sure that you have someone to go to if you find yourself alone at playtime. Which way to wellbeing does this link to?


Important Dates


Today is International Woman’s Day. This is an opportunity to celebrate women’s achievements.  Can you name an inspirational woman? This could be someone you know or someone you may have learned about eg Mother Theresa dedicated her life to caring for people, Emmeline Pankurst campaigned for women’s rights to vote etc

 It can also bring awareness about gender equality, what is this? It is a chance to challenge gender stereotypes and bias behaviour.  Can you think of any examples of this? eg ‘Only boys are good at football. ‘boys like blue and girls like pink’ or ‘crying like a girl’.  How can we challenge this sort of behaviour? More information etc


What article does this link to?


Article 2 (non-discrimination) - The Convention applies to every child without discrimination, whatever their ethnicity, gender, religion, language, abilities or whatever their family background.


Can you remember what discrimination means? This is something that we have no tolerance for at St Paul’s so that we can create a happy, respectful and safe environment for everyone.


Last bits!


  • For the next few weeks, school kitchens around the country will be laying out different tasty sample dishes of each week’s veg to encourage healthy eating for children. There will be sticker rewards for children who give them a try, you were given a reward chart for this to take home earlier in the week. This week’s veg is peppers and next week will be broccoli! What article does this link to?


  • Sports Leaders will be handing out certificates to children who show positive play and sportsmanship. The Year 3/4 children will give the Year 1/2 children stickers too! 


  • Year 3/4 children need to tell the sports leaders in their class if they want to take part in the hockey tournament, this is as an INDIVIDUAL as the leaders will pick the teams. The deadline to tell the sports leader in your class will be Friday 11th March. 


  • Rights Rangers will meet today at 12.45 in Miss Gallienne’s room.



  Thank you everyone!

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